Fatih Çil

Self-Taught Developer

Software Engineer


Game Developer

Fatih Çil

Self-Taught Developer

Software Engineer


Game Developer

Blog Post

42 Piscine: A Challenging But Rewarding Experience

January 7, 2022 Uncategorized

Hey guys, have you ever heard of 42 piscine? Basically, it’s a four-week programming Bootcamp from hell that serves as the admissions process to the 42 École programming schools.

Piscine is designed to test your coding skills, your ability to collaborate with others, and your general sanity. You are given a series of programming challenges and projects to complete with very little guidance or instruction. And you are expected to do it all in a limited time.

But despite all the craziness, it was an enriching experience. Of course, I learned a lot about coding, but I also learned a lot about myself. I discovered I had much more courage and determination than I thought possible. I also learned how to communicate effectively with others and how to work in a team. And let’s remember the invaluable skill of surviving on very little sleep!

One of the best things about Piscine was the community. I’ve met many great people who are just as passionate about coding as I am. We all supported and helped each other. It was a great environment to be a part of, and I made some great friends along the way.

In the end, I successfully completed the piscine and was invited to continue my studies at 42 École. It was a proud moment for me, and I felt grateful for the experience that I had gone through. The piscine had tested me in ways I never thought possible, and I emerged more assertive and more determined.

In conclusion, the 42 piscine is an incredible opportunity for anyone passionate about coding. It is a challenging and demanding experience, but it is also gratifying. Suppose you are willing to work hard and persevere. In that case, you will gain invaluable skills and knowledge that will serve you well in your future career as a programmer. If you are up for the challenge, I highly recommend that you give the 42 piscine a try!

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